Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bummmmmin Day

Well I was supposed to get to Nairobi today and post the TONS I wrote about my Mombassa trip. But that wont happen because my Laptop got stolen. On the bus ride back to Nairobi our bus had trouble so we had to unload everything and wait for another bus. When the bus came it had tons of people on it already so I put my backpack up above on the shelf and went to find a seat. I should have just held my backpack but I was half asleep and didnt realise what we were doing. So turns out when I put my backpack on the bus it was heavy. Then when we got back to Nairobi and I woke up half the bus had already gotten off at the past few stops. So I went to get my backpack and found it a lot lighter. I checked and EVERYTHING of value was gone. Laptop, Blackberry, Ipod, Camera, and Sun glass'. So I'm really bummed today. We tried to talk to the manager and he said he would look into it. But I leave in two days and really doubt anything will turn up. He went through EVERY pocket. It sux because I wrote so much good stuff about Mombassa and I'm not ready to rewrite all of that. Please pray that my stuff turns up. I forgot to look but I think he stole my brothers and my moms Christmas presents. :-(

Peace&Love...SPREAD IT!!!


Donna said...

Oh Cory --- I am SO sorry!!!
It's so discouraging I know. But hey - remember, all your valuable things will probably be sold - to buy food -- to feed somebody that knows hunger. That can be our hope anyway. And so - you're spending all these days in Africa to bless and help the people there. So maybe - if you can look at it that way -- you just ended up "helping" in a way you had not wanted or planned for --- but still hopefully someone was "helped" (even if they are a thief). The last two people Jesus physically helped were two thieves. :)
Just a better way to look at it friend. So even in the theft - you can be more like your Savior than you might have imagined.
love you Cory !
(and I bet I can guess some things you'll probably be getting for Christmas now...) :)

Sharla M. said...

Oh Cory, I'm so sorry, that is so hard... But Donna offers such a beautiful perspective, a lesson for all of us...

Anonymous said...

Now that is a bummer! I was just ya, yaing, for you and about whoever did that. Then---I read Donna's email and it seems like a good thing! I do hope that it does help to buy food for someone who is hungry. I do like Donna's way of looking @ it better than mine.
Wish I could share my computer with you.

This a.m. I read something and now I immediately think of it re: you.

"The hedges or hindrances are right for us, or He will quickly remove them. And doesn't it stand to reason that whatever seems to block our way may also provide for our protection."

I want to think that perhaps you are being protected from something that would be more troubling than loosing a computer, camera, ipod, etc. All of this is said to say, stay safe, be careful, and enjoy these days.
Soon you will be back in Swaziland, I was amazed @ the pic. Sharla brought back from Project Canaan! I think you are going to be surprised @ what has already been accomplished in such a short time.
Love to you,

Anonymous said...

Cory, Cory,Cory - I am so sorry. Yes, a few cuss words left my lips!
Austin called me very bummed and as I read now, I am so thank-ful nothing had happened to you! All those material things can be relaced but YOU can not! Be careful and return home unharmed has always been my prayer. I love you and can't wait to see you - sweetheart. Love your mother.

Kaitlin said...

I heard about this, before i even read your blog, crazy! i was super sad for you, and for me [selfishly wanting to see all your pictures] but seriously i never would have thought to look at it the way mama taylor has. it brings me more to ease, i hope you are not as upset about it, i see you are looking at the positive things about the situation. Cory, you are SUCH a role model to me, i'm so blessed to have you in my life, and i'm sooo greatful nothing happened to you, because i don't know what i'd do without you my big brother!
Love you!