Friday, July 10, 2009

Almost Got Eatin by a Spider.

Yesterday we bought a Chain Saw..... it was BEAUTIFUL!!! We cut soo much good wood. And talk about feeling manly!!! All I needed was a flannel and my P-Burn and I'd be the Wolverine. Everyone tells me I look like him.

So first we cut one stump and tons of ants started coming out. so i busted out the axe and split the wood in half. OH My Gooooooodness!! No exaggeration probably thousands of ants!! the started chasing me up a tree. so I decided to go dig around the gate so it would open more smoothly instead of cut wood. And I ran into this 8 Legged Monster!!!

YEAH SERIOUSLY!!! I was telling Chloe "hey I bet there are tons of spiders in this Forrest" and BOOM! it jumped out. its hard to tell but this thing was the size of my hand. NO LIE. He/She was right were i was going to work so I had to move it. i found a 30 foot stick and it hopped right on and let me more it.

Today we ended up finishing one of the baskets. Pretty cool. Now I get to go to El Shiddai tomorrow and get the kids ready for the Litsemba Celebration. I don't know now long I will be there but I'll tell you as soon as I find out.

I forget what I tell you so sorry if i repeat myself.


Also In case you dont know if you know how to use Skype you can call my cell phone straight from it!! So.... Call me. 011-268-640-8541!!!

See you Sunday or I mean hear you.

Peace&Love....SPREAD IT!!!

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