WOW!!! I have finally arrived at my dwelling place in Swaziland, Africa!!!
I have no clue what the finale total travel time for me was but I feel like I ate way to much and DID way to little. Here is the thing that sux about LONG plane rides, ALL YOU DO IS SIT AND EAT!! (other than read and watch movies and play games but the whole time you do those things your sitting) I feel like the plane would take off and they would pass out a meal, then I'd do whatever I could to make time pass and next thing I know I have ANOTHER MEAL! Its as if I were to wake up at my house in the morning and to sit at the counter and eat breakfast, then sit there till lunch time. Enough of that.
It is 17:20 and I am beat... even though all I did the past 2 days was sit and eat.
So now I am writing you from the comfort of my SWEET cottage. It is way nicer than I expected! Another man is living here with me his name is Micheal. Seems pretty cool. I am going to take some pictures of this place tomorrow and post them. The flight I took from Joe Burg to Manzini was a little different from the others. I could barely fit through the aisle. THIS PLACE HAS A BATH!!! I cant tell you how excited I am for a bath tonight.
So the girl who lives in the main house is Shirley. She picked me up from the airport. As I we were driving away It started to hit me. This is my home for at least the next 6 months. The people, are my neighbors, The roads are my means of traveling, and the Local markets are my means of food. Shirley asked me "Are you going to buy a car"? and I said "ahhh I dont know" and she said "It would help... You could get a nice Rav 4 for cheap...only $6500" HAHA. I proceeded to tell her that if I bought that car I would most likely be broke by next month.
I was assuming Shirley would do all the cooking but she told me today that I was on my own with that. I've never been a cook. They dont have Top Romin... Or Cup-O-Noodles.... Or TV Dinners... Or even Microwave Corn Doggs!!! So I bought Potatoes... I dont know how to cook potatoes. I bought Pasta Noodles...I dont know how long to boil them. I bought chicken breast assuming there would be a BBQ... THERE ISNT!!! What now? The oven? So all you moms out there need to answer me those questions and let me in on some EASY secret recipes.
Thats all for now. This post turned out longer than i had planned. Sorry.
Peace&Love...SPREAD IT!!!
cory way
Cory, I just started reading your Blog, but will keep up daily. I am SO proud of you and your desire to help others. I wish I was as brave. Re. your cooking. Wash potatoe stick several times with a fork, and put in preheated over at 3:50 for one hour. 15 minutes later put the chicken in a pan and season it(if you have any seasoning) put it in the oven with the potaotes and at the end of the hour you will have chicken and baked potatoes. Sometimes I bake several chicken breasts at a time and use them later in chicken salad or chicken sandwiches. Special blessings. linda pedretti
I am so proud of you, too, for living outside the box in obedience to the Lord, the way He has made you, the gifts He has given you, and the motivations He has placed on your heart. May we all have the courage to follow your example, Cory. Anyway, another thing you can do is wash and cut up your potato into chunks, cut your chicken breast into chunks, get some other kind of vegetable (like a squash or something), cut it into slices or chunks, coat them all with some kind of fat (like butter or oil), toss them with whatever seasonings you have and bake them all together, covered, in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes. (You can wrap them all up together in an aluminum foil pouch if you have foil but don't have covered pans.) Or you can broil them under a broiler or sautee them in a frying pan. You'll get the hang of it. If you post what kinds of ingredients and cooking utensils you have access to, I can try to come with some ideas for you. Blessings, dear brother...
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