Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hey Guys, Kristen McGraw is in the hospital with a stomach infection. I talked to her on the phone tonight and it seems she is doing well just VERY tired. I am getting up early tomorrow morning to go visit her and I will give you all an update as soon as I can,
Please Join me In Prayer For Her Healing,
And Her Family.

I got to go see Kristen this morning and she is doing a lot better. She said it hurt to laugh. And you know me. So it was better to leave and let her get some rest. Charmain is going to call me as soon as some new info is available. Keep praying. And let us not forget God IS Good.

Kristen is OUT. She is back in her bed at her Swazi home relaxing and thanking God for His Love. Thank you so much for your prayers. The Doctor said she could continue to take her Antibiotics and resting at home.

God IS Good....ALL THE TIME.

Peace&Love...SPREAD IT!!


Sharla M. said...

Hey Cory! I love reading your posts! I just posted a link to your blog on my blog (, so I can keep up with you better and see when you update... (I even gave you top billing on my sidebar!! LOL!!)

Hope you don't mind that I linked to your blog... People need to read about hearts like yours!!

Hope you're ok from drinking the water...will be praying that things work out at Emmanuel and I you're ministering to the women in the market... No doubt that God is smiling!!

So glad Kristen is better...still praying for her! We only got to meet her on the first day, but what a sweet, gentle spirit.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cory, You were on my mind so much this a.m., knew I had to write you, imagine my surprise when I went to your blog and found the comment from Sharla! (Great minds run in the same channels, or something like that!)
So glad that you could go see Kristen, know that brought joy to her,so thankful that she is better and @ "home".
Hey, are you feeling o.k. after drinking that H2O?

Just wondering---do you have to leave S'land and go back to Kenya? I wondered if you have a commitment there that you have to go back and complete, if not would you just stay the remainder of your time and money where you are--I can only imagine how much help and a blessing you are for Wayne and Nancy. As well as the ladies @ the market. Do teach us / tell us what they are studying @ their Bible study. What an absolute awesome privilege that must be! Talk about "Cool" that has to be with a capitol "C"!
How are things for you @ Emmanuel, yeah the evil spirits are around, but they are not greater / stronger than God, so you just do what you need to do there or wherever. Each morning I pray Psalms 121 for you.I also pray for wisdom for you. Do take care.

I am sitting here wondering if you will go to the church to worship that we attended---love that church!

Sweet blessings to you,